Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program

Citizenship by investment in Vanuatu is available to applicants who invest from $130,000 into a local development fund. Vanuatu, a chain of 80 islands in the south Pacific to the east of Australia, is part of the Commonwealth. The official languages are English and French.

Vanuatu has the only Citizenship by investment program in the Asia-Pacific Hemisphere. The program offers one of the fastest citizenship and second passport programs available for investors. The investment requirement is $130,000 for a single applicant and $180,000 for a family of four, plus fees.

Contact our advisors for further details.

Vanuatu Program Key Points


Vanuatu offers Citizenship with full Ni-Vanuatu rights (less voting rights and political involvement). There are no restrictions on dual citizenship, and there is no requirement to visit or reside to retain a passport. Vanuatu has no income tax, wealth tax, capital gains, or inheritance tax. Processing is fast, with citizenship usually within 30-60 days. Donation amounts for a single applicant is $130,000 + fees and $150,000 + fees for a couple. Citizenship is hereditary, and an Oath Swearing Ceremony can be arranged in convenient locations around the world. There is no language requirement, and due diligence is conducted on all applicants who must have a clear criminal record.

Investment in a Vanuatu passport will bring visa-free access to 148 countries and territories worldwide. This represents 36.6% of the world’s wealth measured by GDP and 64.7% of worldwide travel popularity based on international visitors. The 148 total destinations include 130 countries and 18 overseas territories. That’s 64.7% of total worldwide destinations.

Nolton Consultants have assisted clients in over 120 countries worldwide to obtain their residency or citizenship through investment. Applications for all the programs we deal with can be processed remotely without you ever having to leave your home country. And prior to that, our experienced consultants are always available to advise by Email, Telephone, Skype, and Zoom video calls.

Our team based in London have helped thousands of satisfied clients worldwide process their citizenship investment applications quickly and effectively. We have one centre of excellence worldwide to give you the best experience. Read more on remote processing, the process, our experienced team, sample reviews, and testimonials from our clients, and understand how Nolton Consultants can help you further.